Health Improvement Initiatives |
Health Centers
Health Center consist health education on various topics faced by individual in their daily life such as battling germs, early detection, health care safety, prevention and well-being, and stress toolbox. Health Center provides health education on disease management such as asthma, cancer, coronary heart disease, diabetes, depression and other common topics.
Health Center is FREE and accessible online 24/ 7.
Check your Symptoms
Feeling sick today? Do your own symptoms checkup online for FREE. Before rushing to your doctor visit, that will cost you some co-pays, how about check your medical problems online first and find the possible conditions that you may have in your body.
It’s a unique online tool to get answers to your most common complaints or problem related to health, such as what’s causing my knee pain? Why my throat hurts? And what should I do about it? Use this guide to discover the most common cause of the most common complains.
The symptom checker is very user friendly and designed for common man. First you select the gender, and then click an area on the human body where you’re experiencing discomfort. If you click on the head, it then narrows the search to a particular part of the head, such as the ears, eyes, nose, jaw, and so on. Once you click on the specific area, it will ask you about that part of the body. Is there any bruising? Does it itch? Do you have any pain or discomfort? and more. Once you’ve narrowed that down, it will give a list of possible conditions that you may have. From that list you will get some idea about your complain. Apply the suggested treatment if it's not that risky to do it yourself. If not sure with the results of your own self-checkup, it's better to call your physician to get a proper diagnosis and the treatment. Symptom Checker in not intended to replace the consultation and the advice from your primary care physician.
Symptom Checker is FREE and accessible online 24/ 7.
Smart Health Decision
Smart Health Decision is designed to guide you through key health decisions, combining medical information with your personal values to make a wise health decision. Smart Health Decision guides through 4 key areas i) medical tests ii) medicines iii) surgeries and iv) treatment and other issues.
Throughout your life you have to make health decisions for yourself and your family. The decisions you make influence your overall well-being as well as the quality and cost of your care. In general, people who work with their doctors to make health decisions are happier with the care they receive and the results they achieve. It is important to share in every decision about your health.
Good health decisions can help you reduce costs and get better care. A good decision takes into account the benefits of each option, the risks of each option, the costs of each option and your own needs and wants.
Smart Health Decision is FREE and accessible online 24/ 7.
Health Topic A - Z
Health Topic A - Z consist information on common health topics that may help you to understand the facts about various medical conditions. Topics are listed in alphabetical order. You can browse through collections of articles dealing with a particular topic of interest. Just select a topic from the alphabetical list.
Health Topic is FREE and accessible online 24/ 7.